Saturday, October 22, 2011


            You need to treat your finances as a resource
               God has provided to fulfill your vision,
               Not as a tool  to fill your life with luxuries.
                                                                       -Dr Myles Munroe

Even if it is just for curiosity's sake, I know you would really like to figure out why on one hand it is written that the love of money is the root of all evil, while on the other hand it is also written that money answers all things.

Well, the key reason why we are admonished to make money and not allow money make us is that the ability to create wealth and live either a happy or prosperous life has nothing to do with money, but everything to do with investing in ourselves until we have a complete understanding of our lives and the right frame of mind to become wealth creators.

Money on its own is a neutral resource and an unemotional substance that should never be desired as an end in itself, but instead should be desired as a means that helps you and I to achieve our principal goal in life and get to our ultimate destination. In other words, for us to fulfill our God-given visions or turn our dreams into a reality, we must be successful with money because a lot of meaningful contributions can be made to the World by doing so.

The problem however, is that the World has transformed money from being a legal tender and the most recognized means of exchange into being a status symbol and the most accepted representation of wealth or measure of success. In effect, the most popular trend in this our modern time is for those with too much money to be glorified, while those who practically have none are more or less vilified. This worldly trend is not only responsible for making the rich richer and the poor poorer, but also for making those things which are meant to count seem irrelevant.

But as a people, as a nation and individually; we must not fail to realize that as much as "the love of money" can not bring us happiness, neither can "the lack of money". We ought to know that both "the love and the lack of money" are social and economic vices that can be likened to wild birds of the same feathers that co-exist with hidden intentions of outdoing one another. And since they deceptively compliment as well as compete with each other, they both possess similar powers that can easily overwhelm anyone who lacks passion to impact and contribute meaningfully to the world.

So in order to live a happy and relevant life, it is indeed our responsibility to honestly attain prosperity. In essence, we are to diligently fight against "the love and the lack of money with the same measure of godly wisdom.

Point to Ponder
Money is meant to be a resource that bridges the gap between the rich and the poor.
And not a force that keeps them apart.
Verse to Consider
Ecclesiastes 7:12

Don Chuckie(d don of wise words)
Author of The Raindrops of True Wisdom
Copyright 2011

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